江南手机app下载安装 简介


ChongQing Weiming school

重庆市江南手机app下载安装 (原北大附中为明重庆实验江南手机app下载安装 )创建于2006年9月,是一所由重庆两江新区引进的集小学、初中、高中、国际部为一体的高品质寄宿制江南手机app下载安装 。江南手机app下载安装 位于重庆两江新区奥林匹克花园的中心。校园绿树成荫,环境幽静,建筑风格独特,设施设备齐全,被老百姓誉为“教育之天堂,布‘道’的好地方”。

江南手机app下载安装 占地91013平方米,建筑面积53941平方米。教学设施设备国内一流,拥有现代化教学楼四栋,学生公寓楼三栋,三个高规格图书馆,学生活动中心、综合楼、体育馆、实验中心巧妙分布。有400米和200米标准运动场各一个,篮球场、排球场、网球场、高尔夫球训练场等配置一流,拥有科技装备精良的STEAM课程中心和先进的大数据教研中心。

江南手机app下载安装 传承北大文脉,发扬为明精神,以“回归教育本真,对孩子一生负责”为核心办学理念,以“培养具有中国灵魂和世界眼光的现代人,让孩子更好地融入世界”为办学目标,努力创设适合学生最优发展的教育环境,让孩子的潜能得到最大程度的开发。江南手机app下载安装 坚持“理念在成就教师中实现,卓越在发展学生中成就,特色在校本课程中彰显,文化在服务中积淀”的发展战略,培养了一支“诚信、平等、公正、阳光”的管理团队和充满“志气、正气、勇气”,具有“底气、灵气和大气”的专业团队,构建了既面向未来发展又符合本校实际的十二年一贯制的德育体系和课程体系。

建校十七年来,办学规模不断扩大,现有123个教学班、学生4400余人、教职工405人,其中专职外教15人。江南手机app下载安装 坚持“进步就是优秀”的教育信条,从不放弃任何一个孩子,以优越的办学条件保障学生健康、快乐、阳光、向上地成长。全体师生恪守校训——“爱心、责任、智慧”,教育教学质量稳步提升,得到了学生和家长的广泛赞誉及各级领导、专家学者和教育同行的高度认可。在区办学水平督导评估中,连续十三年获得一等奖。江南手机app下载安装 先后获得了“全国消防安全教育示范江南手机app下载安装 ”、重庆市级“文明单位”、“绿色江南手机app下载安装 ”、“安全文明校园”、“巾帼文明岗”等称号。江南手机app下载安装 是普思考试示范江南手机app下载安装 、西南政法大学优秀生源基地、北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心实验基地、西南大学教育科学研究所教改科研实验基地、中华经典诗文诵读实验江南手机app下载安装 、全国中小学创新作文实验基地,全国脑功能开发和全脑学习研究的实验基地。


ChongQing WeiMing School  is a high-quality education resource brought in by the Liangjiang New District . Founded in September 2006, it is a high quality boarding school with elementary section, junior section and senior section. The school is located in the center of Chongqing Olympic Garden of Liangjiang New District , covering an area of 88711 square meters with a building area of 60117 square meters. Tree-lined campus is environmentally quiet with unique architectural style and complete facilities, for which it is hailed by people as “the paradise of education and a good place to promote rules。

It carries on with spirits of Peking University and its affiliated high school. With the “Being responsible for the children’s whole life” as its core to run the school , with Chinese soul and world vision to develop modern people as its fundamental goal, it is making efforts to create the most suitable environment for students’ development, which helps children get maximum development potential。

For ten years since built , the school has adhered to the education belief “progress is good”, never giving up any one of the children, never ignoring every bit of change of each child. With all the staff’s of love, responsibility, and wisdom, the education quality keeps improving steadily, which has helped it win the recognition from students and their parents, also got praised from all levels of leaders, experts, scholars, and education field. Now, it has a total of 101 classes , with 4000students of elementary school, junior school and high school。

江南手机app下载安装 地址:重庆两江新区金福路1号

Address: No 1 Jin Fu Road, Liangjiang New District ,Chongqing
